I saw an ad for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie the other day. I was actually surprised that I hadn't heard about it sooner as it is coming to theaters this month. This could mean any number of things, the most likely of which being that it isn't going to be very good. The script is probably terrible, but the animation looks phenomenal.
The TMNT were always cheesy in the script department. I would anticipate the same level of dorky writing to occur in this movie. It really doesn't seem right though because the images look so bad ass. The TMNT are, in fact, a testament that the inner dork in all of us can fight evil and kick ass when duty calls.
I do believe that there have been some real advancements in the animation field and that this movie is proof. It looks like a cross between Japanese style motion and present day computer generation. If you think back to earlier computer generated animation, which I think was pioneered with Disney's Beauty and the Beast, the effect wasn't really all that stunning. To this day I still prefer the hand drawn animation of yesterday over the computer aided graphics that every one is using in modern times.
I don't anticipate ever seeing this film. The Simpson's movie has me more intrigued but I probably won't see that one either. I am a fan of the TMNT however, and have in turn compiled this list of links to check out.
Official Site
Comprehensive Wikipedia Article
Film Index
Video Game Index
The Angry Nintendo Nerd
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