26 February 2007

I am amazed

I am in La Roche College's student activities office right now listening to this girl talk on her cellphone. She is literally sitting right next to me and is the only other person in the room. I don't even know this girls name, even though I have worked in this office with her since last fall. Everytime I see her I ask her how she is doing and get a typical, cliche response like: "Okay", "Pretty Good", "Not Bad", etc...

Now call me crazy, but don't you think that after all this time we should have at least had more than a two second introductory discussion? I try too. After I receive a cliche response I ask another question of equally cliche nature. This effort still yields no results. The response is quick and no follow-up commentary comes from her mouth.

What I am amazed about is that this girl, whoever she is, is able to sit less than three feet away from me and unload her life to a friend on her cellphone. In essence she is talking to me. I hear everything she says, and there are apparently no holds barred, because the information is coming from a pretty deep place. I won't go into details, but I am listening to this girls problems, which is more than I would ever want to deal with, even if I did know her.

I believe that this scenario is a true phenomenon that is happening all over the world...Don't let it happen to you.


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