25 February 2007

I am blogging

This is the first of many posts and I'm going to keep it short and to the point. This coming week is the start of Mid-Term exams at La Roche College. The overabundance of course material that I have to concentrate on has led me to do the equivalent of absolutely nothing...create a blog. The relevant importance of the information you are reading is moderately low and has nothing to do with anyone but myself. There isn't any groundbreaking news or cutting edge theory contained in this post. The truth of the matter is that I can't just jump into this blog thing without a plan of action and expect for the material to be interesting.

There are a few things that I'd like to bring to your attention:

1). I bought the new Illy B Eats box set on Friday and I'm pumped. After I get it and find the tightest beats I'll post my creations for you to check out. (For more info about Illy B go to: http://amuletrecords.com/CATALOG/amt024_025/amt024_025.htm )

2). I am now an uncle, which is a first, and is freaking cool. It's like all the benefits of having a kid with none of the stress or responsibility. My nephew, who has yet to be named, was born on February 17th, and is 8 days old today. I loved being that old

3) I saw a band last night called skeletonbreath from NYC. They were sick. Check them out here---> http://www.skeletonbreath.com/ The tracks online don't do it justice, but still go check it out and see them live if at all possible.

4) If you get bored and want to check out some small time college radio go to www.electricbean.com and take a listen. Thursday nights have the best line-up, which includes myself, but only as a precursor to 'Talking with Tina' which is getting better every week.


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